The best decision I ever made was to accept failure and begin again.
The best decision I ever made was to start taking down all the barriers I’d built around my soul, which I was trying to hide behind. Only then could I start to form loving and trusting relationships again.
The best decision I ever made was was to take up origami. It's a great way to relax, and it really helps me out when I'm stressed.
The best decision I ever made was was to stop ignoring the self-help section because I didn't think I needed it. Help can benefit us all, even if we're doing fine without it.
The best decision I ever made was to create Rainbow Thinking - I love this website so I hope you do too.
The best decision I ever made was to give up the rat race for liartfe.
The best decision I ever made was to adopt Peter Pan as my role model.
The best decision I ever made was to act childish when I feel like it, without worrying about what anyone else thinks.
The best decision I ever made was to stop trying to be good at everything, and to just accept that second best often is good enough.
The best decision I ever made was to stop trying to be independent, and to seek love and support from other people.

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